Everyone deserves a beautiful portrait of themselves.

I want to help make that a reality

a little about me

Hello! I'm Stephen Rosales

I am a beloved bride of Christ Jesus. I am a father of two kids, my 6 y.o. daughter Lilliana (where the name “Liana” comes from) and my 2 y.o. son Joseph (named after his grandpa, Jose Antonio Rosales Jr.). If you are into personality types, I am an INFP 4w5. I enjoy music, nature, books, art, bonsai, espresso, learning, writing, and some crafting!

I believe every person has beauty in their heart and I want to help people see themselves the way God sees them, as a work of art and beautiful!

read my whole story
portrait photographer stephen rosales side lit on dark background smiling leaning

Englewood, OH

Request additional pricing & availability

contact me

You deserve the best artwork to portray your heart.

That's why I want to make sure I'm the right choice for you.

I do not take on every portrait session I'm approached to photograph. It's truly important that I work with people who share in my brand values.


I would love to hear more about you! Fill out the contact form and I'll be in touch soon


(937) 540 - 0603
